MHoC Bill Archive

B1001 Animal Welfare Enhancement Bill


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**A** **BILL** **TO** enhance animal welfare, and for connected purposes *BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-* **Section 1: Definitions** (1) “Cruel Greyhound racing” is defined as the act of releasing greyhounds onto a racetrack or other venue, for the purpose of having them race one another, that inflicts significant harm or cruelty to the greyhound or breaks other existing animal cruelty laws. (2) “Improper kenneling” is defined as the intentional confinement of an animal in a cage, pen, or other similar structure that leaves the animal with inadequate room to stand, lay down, or perform any other activity that is vital to their health or well-being. (3) “Improper feeding” is defined as the intentional distribution of food for an animal that is unsafe for the animal to consume, or that is inadequate in amount to maintain the animal’s health and well-being. (4) The term “performance-enhancing substance” is defined as any substance that can be provided to an animal that would enhance its performance in a sporting event at the expense of its health or well-being **Section 2: Prohibition of Greyhound Racing** 1. Cruel Greyhound racing is hereby prohibited. >a. Any person or entity that knowingly and willingly hosts an event including cruel greyhound racing shall be subject to a fine of Level 3 on the standard scale, and imprisonment up to a maximum of two years. > b. Any person or entity that knowingly and willingly provides a service to facilitate cruel greyhound racing shall be subject to a fine of Level 3 on the standard scale, and imprisonment up to a maximum of eighteen months. > c. Any person or entity that knowingly and willingly breeds, confines, or otherwise obtains animals for the purposes of cruel greyhound racing shall be subject to a fine of Level 4 on the standard scale, and imprisonment up to a maximum of three years. > d. Any person or entity that knowingly and willingly attends or wagers on a cruel greyhound race shall be subject to a fine of Level 2 on the standard scale, and imprisonment up to a maximum of six months. 2. The relevant Secretary of State is required to establish a phone line, email address, and other such means of contact for the purposes of reporting events involving cruel greyhound racing. 3. The Government is hereby required to appropriate adequate funding in the next budget to the relevant departments for the enforcement of these regulations in addition to the rescue and other safety preservation actions of animals recovered from events in which cruel greyhound racing occurs. > a. This shall not be construed as a cessation of any other funding to animal safety preservation initiatives or other related initiatives. **Section 3: Extent, Commencement, and Short Title** 1. This bill extends to England and Wales. 2. This bill shall come into effect three (3) years after passage. 3. This bill may be cited as the Animal Welfare Enhancement Act 2020.